sérail - traduzione in Inglese
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sérail - traduzione in Inglese

n. seraglio, harem, part of a Muslim house inhabited by the wives and concubines


·noun An inclosure; a place of separation.
II. Seraglio ·noun A harem; a place for keeping wives or concubines; sometimes, loosely, a place of licentious pleasure; a house of debauchery.
III. Seraglio ·noun The palace of the Grand Seignior, or Turkish sultan, at Constantinople, inhabited by the sultan himself, and all the officers and dependents of his court. In it are also kept the females of the harem.


Serail may refer to:
Esempi dal corpus di testo per sérail
1. Margaret Chan: candidate du sérail Stéphane Bussard Sous–directrice générale de l‘OMS, chargée des maladies transmissibles dont la grippe aviaire, Margaret Chan est une candidate du sérail.
2. Issu du sérail, Bruno Oberle prend la tête de l‘Ofefp.
3. Une personne «issue du sérail», affirme le conseiller d‘Etat socialiste.
4. L‘émulation au sein du sérail était tr';s forte», sourit–il.
5. Le gouvernement a nommé Jean–Dominique Vassalli, un homme du sérail, recteur de l‘Alma mater.